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Oaks Spring Fair

Contact Name:
Lorraine Upton
Oaks Spring Fair
Oaks Road, Oaks-in-Charnwood
LE12 9YD
Daytime Phone:
‭07547 820068‬
Evening Phone:
‭07547 820068‬
Event Start Date:
Event End Date:
[email protected]


Oaks Spring Fair is a long-established One-Day event that attracts around 5K visits each year.  It takes place on an 8-acre farmers field adjacent to another field offering lots of off-road car parking for vistors.

We will have a succession of entertainers to help keep our visitors happy, we will also open the church. 

We operate a dog show.

We are also intending a display of Farming Machinery and Vintage Cars

We want to have a small fair ground with traditional games for children.

The Spring Fair takes place on an 8-acre field which is also linked to a Church Hall suitable for Bespoke Eventers selling items that are not conducive to being sold in a gazebo.

We intend having a Food Court so want a selection of Food Vendors, Drinks, Sweets, Cakes etc...

We already have an Ice-Cream vendor.

We want to have a Plant Stall.

The event will suit any Crafter, Pet foods and pet accessories, Children's activites / games / toys are always popular.  

Eventers can obtain a booking form from the coordinator or by email.  Payments by BAC's. All Eventers will need to provide proof of their Public Liability Insurance and other proofs as per your business for example Food Hygiene, Alcohol Licence etc.. 

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